Goal Accomplished!

It’s been on my mind for a couple of weeks that I wanted to try to do a 5 miles walk again. A couple of years ago that was the only distance I walked. But I started working full time and mom got worse and there was just not any motivation to do that long walks either. I was scared to pass out. So I started to bring the dogs with me instead and shortened the walks. I felt it was better that I did something at least.

I don’t know why today was the day I wanted to try. The weather was perfect for the task this morning. I said to myself that I wouldn’t push, just try to find a pace that was comfortable. I was surprised how good it felt!

I had some doubts around 3 miles that I was going to finish it but I had to tell myself that there was no reason to quit. The urge to get it done was bigger. Once I saw my house I was done. That’s when I realized that it was only 4.8 miles. So I had to walk up the street and back to get over the magic number 5 miles.

Tired, dizzy but so proud of myself! I had prepared so a bottle of water was ready for me when I got home. Just let the dogs out and sit down and wait for my body to catch up. I did it!

Going on from here… my plan is that the days that I work I will try to walk the dogs on my 3.5 miles walk and when I am off; start off the day with the goal of a 5 miles walk. I need to push myself to get better! I want to come back to where I was two years ago. One step and one mile a time!

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