I’m Alive But Tired

Sorry for not updating this blog for two weeks. Not only has my schedule been weird and crazy, the weather has been super cold and I have been so tired, the only thing I’ve been able to do when I got home was sleeping. I have worked 3 days on and 1 day off which has meant when I have had my day off I’ve had so much to catch up with. Laundry for example… It would be convenient if I taught Twix or BamBam how to do it for me but I haven’t. And last Monday when I was off I spent the entire day at Jamie Foxx Performing Arts Center in Terrell for E! Terrell’s show Celtic Angels. It was a great show but the day was long since they started out with a show for the middle school kids!

Work has been crazy too. I have been working on my old stomping grounds; in Mineola. It was actually a lot of fun. That day wasn’t really cold but the rest of the week has been really icy and nasty

We always have late calls on days like this. Wednesday was “only” 45 minutes late but Thursday was 1.5 hour… I’m glad I didn’t have anything planned those days. I’ve been struggling with my blood pressure in this cold. Nothing has happened but I have felt that my body is having a hard time keeping it up. I’ve had a pair of long johns and a shirt on that is like a compression sock around my body to help and I’m surprised how well it has worked!

It’s been Twix’s birthday too… yeah, I haven’t had time to celebrate that either! I feel like a bad mom! Well, I know he doesn’t care about it but it doesn’t matter, I do! I decided that I will do a combined party for all three of us in March. Twix’s birthday this month, my heart day in March and BamBam’s birthday in April. But can someone explain how he grew up this fast?

So, I am okay but tired. I have a couple of more weeks with this crazy schedule. I am planning to take a week off work soon just to get a break. Trying to figure it out financially.

I had to cut my workout goals for February. No way I will be able to reach those. First of all, it is too cold. Second of all, when you work 50+ hours a week (without commute) , there is not much time left before dark when you get home But i just wanted to peak in and say hi and say I’m alive still!…

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