100 Miles In January

You may remember that I signed up for Run The Edge’s Challenge to walk 1500 miles in 2022. I have set a couple of smaller goals with that and one is to walk 100 miles a month. The remaining 300 miles will be walked randomly throughout the year, at least I hope… Well this morning I achieved my January goal of 100 miles!

I could probably have achieved it sooner than today but that doesn’t really matter, I got it done! No off to February which is a shorter month so I have to push a little bit harder. But since I reached 100 today it will give me two extra February days!

Another of my goals is to walk more than I did last year each month. And I at least did January’s 2021 miles. I don’t think I will be able to reach 2020’s miles…

I find this challenge very fun. The groups on Facebook are so inspiring and it is great to just take it step by step. The only one I am competing against is myself and previous years and I’m training to get better and be in better health.

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