A Guest In The Podcast

In the beginning of last week I posted all over social media looking for guests to The Swexan Podcast. It’s a little bit boring to week after week only listen to me and my crap so I wanted to bring people in to tell their story. I was so excited to get a couple of interests and one of them was Mrs. Frida Perillo. She had a super interesting story to tell how she came to US. First of all, a female doing Thai Boxing… yeah, that’s what brought her to Florida initially. She met her now husband, she got pregnant and her life was just awesome. And on top of all this… Covid… yeah it was all in the mist of the pandemic. Talk about some challenges.

We talk about this and a lot more so either listen on the podcast or watch the interview on YouTube… Frida is a super fun and smart woman whom seem to conquer whatever the world puts in front of her!



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