After A Tough Weekend…

This past weekend has been extremely tough, both mentally and physically. If you read this blog now and then you know that we have a standby day at work once a month. And last Thursday was my day for January. Well I got send to Rusk, which is a 2 hour drive from home. So for me to be there at 6:45 am I had to leave home at 4:45am. I’m a morning person so to wake up at that time ain’t a problem. My regular shift starts at 4 am so it was even a little sleep in morning. But the problem came at night. Thankfully we could go home on time, at 7pm. There was an accident on the way where I apparently came upon just when emergency vehicle did as well so I was standing there while they worked the scene. So at 9:30pm I finally parked the car. I was so amazed that the dogs had been able to keep it for 16 long hours without accidents! You can probably imagine how excited they were to get out and do their business. And they were not in the mood to go to bed! But after I had unpacked everything and prepared for the following day we finally made it to bed. I at least got about 2 hours of sleep before the alarm went off again.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday was on my regular truck. 4am – 4pm. Both Friday and Saturday we got late calls so we were not back at the station until an hour late. Those days are frustrating. I was so tired already from starting the weekend with only 2 hours of sleep. Friday was one of those non stop days. I had to go to CVS and pick up medications after work as well and sadly, the pharmacy in Canton is always a mess. I know I have to go inside because I need to check the meds. Several times it’s been wrong in the drive thru. And it was a mess this time as well. It took 45 minutes to get my prepaid (!) prescriptions. So not until 7pm I finally made it home. I was so tired and in so much pain when I walked in the door. Tried to get ready as fast as I could but the dogs still has to have their time outside, which is at least an hour. They deserve that. I was blessed with getting four hours of sleep at least.
Saturday was a really slow day at work. We only had three patients and of course, the last one came at 3:45, just when we were on our way back to the station. I had tried to get some sleep in the truck but the pain in my hip and right side has really bothered me this weekend. The cold weather is probably what is doing it together with that I couldn’t go to the chiropractor until today.
I must say that Walmart Curbside Pickup is excellent. Especially now when they removed the minimum order amount. I had made an order that I had to pick up on my way home on Saturday to save time. When I got there it was smashed with cars in the pickup area. I thou was later than I had said so I got my order fairly quickly. I had to do a laundry when I got home but was pleased with another 4 hours of sleep to Sunday.
Sunday was another of those non stop days. We ran 6 calls and started out with a transfer to Dallas so we drove 264 miles all day. At this point my body was screaming. I had a bad headache, my body was in pain and I was very nauseous out of exhaustion. As stupid as I am I calculated that I had been on the box for 50 hours in 4 days, and I had 10 hours of commute to/from work and I had pushed all this with a total of 10 hours of sleep. Thankfully I could go to bed early and I didn’t have to set the alarm this morning. 11 hours straight. That’s what I slept. I have no idea what happened between 7pm and 6am. I was out. Woke up and felt better but I can feel that I’m still behind so I take an easy day. It is also quite cold today so my body is all to be indoors!

I woke up this morning to something less fun… a water leak. A pipe in the wall to the outside faucet has busted. It is in situations like this I’m glad that I rent and only have to make a phonecall. But it will sadly take a couple of days to get it fixed as their maintenance man is out for the day. He may be able to fix it tomorrow, if not it most likely has to wait until Friday as I work Wednesday and Thursday… complicated situation… I can’t take off work and they won’t go in the house with BamBam… which I don’t want them too either… It will hopefully work out in one way or the other.

For a while I have wanted to make homemade meatballs. I am not a good cook. So why do I have the urge to cook something specific and then do it without a recipe, just out of what I think or believe should go in there…. But I actually succeeded! They turned out pretty darn good. There is absolutely room for improvement but they were eatable and with a good taste!

I got myself some Swedish feelings to say it the least!

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