A Special Day

January 9th… it will always be a special day for me. It was my mom’s birthday first of all. She would have been 73 years old today. Happy Heavenly Birthday mom! I miss you so much!!!

This picture is absolutely not the best of us but it brings a laugh to my mind because of memories. I had gotten a text message and I don’t remember what it said but for some reason this was mom’s and my answer to that message and the person who got it called us up laughing hysterically on the phone. After that we used this picture several times and it always brought people to laughter. It really shows the goofballs we could be and mom was always the one starting it! Gosh I miss that!!!

It was to honor my mom that I started my first music project in 2020 with release a year ago. I wanted to release a song on this day to kind of mark her birthday for ever. The intention was to release both the song and video but the video was delayed and didn’t get released until a couple of weeks later. I thou consider this day to be the release day of my first cover Single City.

I am very proud of this project. It was something new that I had never done before and it was quite emotional for me just because the song meant a lot to me and it was an tribute to mom. It was so much fun to do and I hope that I will be able to do another full project one day with both a song and a video, though it is quite expensive to produce.

I can say this… we are working on another song project. We don’t have a time frame on when it will be out because it will be an English and a Swedish version of the song. But sometimes in the spring 2022 another song will be released.

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