Fun Event At Work

Last night I had the opportunity to work a really fun event. Express Staffing has an office in Athens and once a year they bring their Clydesdales from Oklahoma for people to see and take pictures with and then they had toy collection for Toys for Tots. There is also face painting, food, the fire department and EMS is there to show and tell. Last time they were here they did it while it was school hours so this time they changed it to the late afternoon and that was a great success! It was a lot of people showing up! They did not just look at the horses but I had a lot of visitors in and around the ambulance.

Due to the weather (it sprinkled a little) they had to put the beautiful carriage up but before the event they were cleaning it and I got a picture of both it and the horses that was at the time still on the trailer… as they were not big before, on there they were huge… and sleepy

The crew that worked for Express was just awesome! We had so much fun throughout the event! i asked if they could bring one of the “Ponies” over to the ambulance so we could take a picture in front of it. Jeeze, Prince (the horse) is as tall as the ambulance!!!

Haha, the firefighter had quite some respect for Prince… he was super sweet but his size is intimidating if you’re not used to horses…

Thanks to all involved for a great event! I had a really fun time and the food was awesome!

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