Mild Winter In East Texas

I have ensured that East Texas will have a mild winter this year. I saw some really nice dog blankets on Facebook the other day and thought that the dogs may need that. Maybe we are going on a trip or the weather get cold. So I went on Amazon to try to find them. The Facebook post I saw said that they found them there. I was a little particular wanting a yellow / lime green blanket for BamBam since he is deaf and everything he has is visible colors. But I could not find it on Amazon, nor on Derby Originals website. So I emailed them and asked if they were getting this blanket back in stock in his size. It didn’t take long until I had an answer that they actually had it and they had updated their website. So I went home, measured the dogs again to make sure I ordered the right sizes (especially for Twix). And today their blankets came! They are freaking perfect!!!!

So now I know that we will have a mild and dry winter here in East Texas because both I and the dogs are ready for cold and wet weather! You’re welcome East Texas!

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