Happy 13th Anniversary!

Today is 13 years since I rolled in on the farm that we had bought outside Terrell, TX. The state that I was now going to call my home! It is weird that it is 13 years. In one way it feels like 13 extremely fast years and in another it’s a very long time. So much has happened during these years. It certainly has not turned out as we dreamed of but after a couple of very rocky roller coaster years I feel that my life is at least somewhat stable right now. That I appreciate. I still have dreams and hopes and one day they will be reality.

I decided to tell the entire story of the move in this week’s episode of The Swexan Podcast; How it came about that we decided to move, the planning, the paperwork and the actual trip with 6 horses and 12 dogs. The episode is an hour long but if you have the time and want to know the full story, here it is!

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