One Freaking Year Ago!

Facebook reminded me yesterday that it was one year ago I went to the studio with Paul Piper to record my first song! Single City. A project that was going to turn out beyond my imaginations! It was the first time I and Paul worked together and with all new collaborations it’s a trial and error process. What sound should we go for, how should we arrange the song, what did we want to say? So many questions with answers that was coming along the road. It was so much fun! Scary and fun in the same way.

Even though the song was recorded in November, it wasn’t released until mid January. It took a little longer with the video production than expected but it was so worth the wait. The song is available on Spotify, ITunes, Amazon and wherever you listen to music! I appreciate everyone who listens to the song and gives their feedback. I am very proud of this production and it was a lot of fun making!

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