I can’t really believe how fast this year is swishing by. It is already November 1st. Halloween of 2021 is now history and I pulled down what was left of my miserable Halloween decorations this morning. I didn’t dress up for Halloween, nor did I have any Trick or Treaters at my door. I certainly didn’t mind that because I didn’t have any candy anyway. But I can admit that looking at everyone’s pictures on social media from having a blast on Halloween made me feel a little outside. Realized that I have never dressed up for Halloween in my life. Not had any reason to. Probably because I don’t have any kids or family that celebrates it. Maybe next year.
October was a pretty good month for me. I am so glad I took a week off work and went on the Arkansas roadtrip with the dogs. I started the workout & weight loss journey for real when I got home. I smooth started before the vacation but accepted that there would be a week where I didn’t care about what or when I ate or if I did any workout at all. And it certainly was visible on the scale. My weigh in on October 1st was 214.0 lbs. My weigh in on October 16th was 213.4 lbs. And that is probably the weight I should start with since that’s when I started putting effort into my food intake and workout. There has been some exceptions but I’ve tried to go to the gym on my days off and take walks with the dogs when I got home from work. I started a new food routine that starts the day with a fruit and protein shake and then a healthy lunch and that’s it. It’s sort of my own version of intermittent fasting and so far it works really well. I have some crackers with me to work in case I get hungry or for some reason I can not have my lunch. My October goal wasn’t really to lose as much weight as possible but to establish the new routines. And that has worked surprisingly well. My endweight for October was 210.2 lbs so I have lost 3.2 lbs at least.
I know it’s nothing revolutionary but I am pleased anyway.
So this will absolutely continue in November. Now when I have established the routines my goals are to continue them and the main thing to focus on is my portion control. I only eat one meal a day and it tends to be quite a lot of food. So I will slowly reduce my portions to what is actually considered a normal portion. That has always been a hard thing for me. I always overeat and that’s not good when you eat 3 times a day! So that is what I will work on.
If you want to follow my weight loss and workout journey more closely, you can follow it on Instagram under WalkingWonderWoman. I will update it here now and then but that’s where I post the daily updates. In that way I don’t overload people about it, but if you’re interested you can go and look!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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