
Not many people know that I actually do my nails because of medical reasons. Yes it is awesome to look nice on your hands and I can’t say anything else than I enjoy it. But after my first cardiac arrest, a lot changed in my body and one of the things was that my nails breaks so easily and it’s not just the tip of the nail but the entire nail bed. This is extremely painful and when it happens on several fingers at once you can’t use your hands. So therefore with doing acrylic nails I protect the nails I have and reduces the pain tremendously. So for all of you saying I can’t wear it because I work healthcare… yes I do have permission to do so.

To have just french nails are a little bit boring right… so I put some color and sometimes some art as well. No I don’t do my nails myself. A big shout out to 94 Nails in Terrell who has done my nails for the last 1.5 years! And most of the time it’s them who comes up with how I should look for the next 1.5-2 weeks.
So since I get quite a lot of comments about them I have made a picture gallery where you can maybe get some inspiration yourself. I went through my instagram feed and uploaded those I had posted this year there. It isn’t all of the nails I have had this year but some… But I will continue to fill it up the rest of the year! You find the link in the photo album on top of the page and here are the pictures in it right now:

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