I have been able to do the workout schedule I had planned for myself without any major problem. Except lack of motivation sometimes that I had to just fight through like anyone else, it’s been pretty okay. The dogs are enjoying our walks after work. The weather has been great. And on my days off I’ve been able to get to the gym and done pretty okay. At least I’ve been satisfied.
So yesterday… I came home from a good day at work without too many calls. We did have a cardiac arrest where I had to work a bit but other than that it wasn’t anything special. So me and the dogs took our traditional walk on 3.6 miles. We had a really nice walk. The weather was good and we got a good pace in. When I got home I sat down as I always do, the dogs are just recovering, enjoying the cold floor and water. After 20 minutes I had to go and take a shower and that’s when it happened. It goes so fast I don’t have a chance to sit down. It just turns black.
I must have been on the floor for a couple of minutes. Woke up because Twix was breathing in my face and licking me. He is an amazing dog. He knows. And so gently lays next to me and tries to wake me up.
When I woke up the main thing was just the dizziness and headache. It’s always the same. I could feel that I had hit my head on the left side. Probably a bruise underneath the hair. Other than that just stiff and cold from the floor. I knew what had happened so slowly sit up and stand up and go back to the couch. Looked at the phone… it gave me the answer…
This may not seem to be very serious. And it aint. But I have a pacemaker that’s supposed to keep my heart above 60 beats per minute. But it happens too fast even for it to react. It is something I will have to live with and accept. The doctors has given up trying to find a solution for it. Work out more is the answer I get. Neurologist say it is anxiety or depression… So there is no reason to go to the ER or call anyone about it. They won’t help.
As you may see, it was low earlier in the day as well. The difference was that I was sitting at that time and didn’t have any symptoms whatsoever so most likely the pacemaker picked that up just after this was measured.
Slept through the night, woke up a couple of times when I tried to lay on my bruised side of the head. Once I woke up for good I was able to go to the gym and got a pretty good workout. Was a little cautious since I still had a headache. But the workout actually made it better. So hopefully it will take a while until this happens again. Writing this right now I feel pretty good. I had plans to go to Terrell and get stuff done but decided to just be home and take it easy and spend time with the boys instead.
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