Thank You!!!

I shared my post yesterday in a couple of groups and the response was huge! Way more than I ever would’ve anticipated. I have received emails, messages and comments from all over the world. Thank you all so much for reading and taking the time to write a comment or response.

I feel it is an honor to tell my story. We are not many that can do so. Looking at the statistics, I shouldn’t even sit here today and it’s an even bigger blessing that I have so few problems as I have after going through this twice. So I will always tell my story for the ones who wants to listen. I think we have a lot to learn from anyone going through it, we all experience it differently.

The lunch yesterday was such a blast! I had no clue how many, if any, would show up. I had only written here on the blog that I would be at Applebee’s and whoever wanted to join were more than welcome to.

Neither of them had ever met each other and we all had a great time with great food. Much laughter and fun stories about anything from EMS to music and other weird stuff! Thank you all for making my 4th anniversary so awesome!!! You truly made it special!

Tracey came all the way from Arlington (!!!) to have lunch with me and took this picture before she left. I had such a great day!!!

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