We all have that project that we need to do but we procrastinate over and over again, right. Yeah. One of those projects for me was my office. Or actually a corner of my office. The corner you saw on the live stream. Most of the times I put a blanket over it all so you couldn’t see what was underneath but that made it almost more suspicious and people were more curious about it than anything.
Well today was the day. The day I got my ass out of the wagon and got it done. I thought to myself earlier today that I should do a before and after picture but do you think I remembered that? Heck no. So there ain’t none of that. Well it was mostly laundry on two stools and two big buckets, one with dogfood and one with mom’s old stuff in. Yeah, that tells you the importance of what it was… none. Well the dogfood is important. Anyway, away with that and the laundry put away. Re-arrange some furniture because this was what started all of it:
This is my new backdrop that I got for all the videostreaming and stuff I do nowadays. I already had some lighting and this place in the house also gives an easy and good natural light. I just love the colors in it as well. I knew that it would come today (I actually ordered it yesterday afternoon) but didn’t expect it until later. So in the middle of cleaning Amazon knocked on the door, perfect timing so I could get it up. I have ordered a couple of other backdrops as well but this will be the main one I use. I think the first time you will see it will be next week in the Swedish podcast.
It was so nice to get that project done and cleaned up. I am working night tonight so it is time for me to go to bed again…
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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