That Was Unexpected

Went in on YouTube today to see how the podcast was doing. Mostly just for fun. Seriously, who really wants to spend 45 minutes watching two crazy women talking about absolutely nothing? Unless you know us or are just curious because I blasted it in a group on Facebook, probably nobody. But… when I took this screenshot earlier this morning, evidently 100 people was curious enough to spend more than a couple of minutes watching it. That is actually more than we expected. And we have gotten some really good feedback and constructive criticism as well which we are super grateful for. We came up with this basically within an hour and that’s why it is called an unpredictable podcast…
If you haven’t seen it: here is the link to the YouTube Video: or if you prefer to listen on podcast:–En-Ngot-Otrevande-Start-e16j74o

The next episode will come out end of next week. We have a tentative day we will record it but things can happen so we won’t say any definitive day, just to be safe. Makes it more unpredictable too! hehe.

On the other side of the unexpected, still within podcasts, not as many as usual has listen to the last episode of The Swexan Podcast… That surprised me a little since so many had opinion about breakfast… if you haven’t heard it you can hear it here:

I will record the next episode of the Swexan Podcast tomorrow so it will be all ready on Thursday for y’all!

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