Two Days Off

There is not much action really on my days off. I’m trying to do as little as possible basically. Plan what to do in the next podcast, spend time with the dogs, cook some food that I can have with me at work etc. I sleep a lot and watch some movies or read. This weekend I spent watching a Swedish/Danish production called The Bridge on Amazon Prime.

Click on the picture to read more about the series.

I’ve heard a lot about it and found it so I started watching. Really good series. Now I have to watch season two, three and four as well. When I came to episode 7 I realized that season one is leaving Amazon Prime on August 31st, so if you want to see it there, hurry up! It is in Swedish and Danish with English subtitle. I like watching it not just because it was a good series but also because it refreshes both my Swedish and Danish. Two languages that I used on a daily basis until mom passed away. I haven’t spoken Danish with anyone for over 1.5 year. I have had Swedish conversations, but they are not many. Mostly with the dogs.

Mentioning the dogs… had to take them to the vet. BamBam gets an ear treatment every month and the other day Twix started to itch his ears too so I made an appointment to get him on the same treatment. Decided that instead of taking the car to the vet, we would walk. Didn’t think the heat was going to bother us despite it being around 10am. No problem on the walk there, but heck it was hot on the way home. But we got the workout in that was good!

Both dogs were such good boys at the clinic. There is rarely any problems with them among other people or dogs. BamBam doesn’t think any situation outside the house is comfortable but this he knows and I think he also know that the paste he gets in his ears is something that helps. This was Twix’s first treatment and he didn’t like it really. But no more itching afterwards which is good!

Came home and the dogs went straight to the couch for a nap. We were all just hot and nasty. It was International Meatball day so I had to make me some meatballs and mashed potato, as the Swede I am, right. Thankfully I had a package of frozen meatballs and some instant mashed potato. No, I am not the one who makes my own meatballs from scratch, the frozen from Brookshires is as good, if not better than the ones I can make. Remember, I’m lazy! I realized that I was out of gravy mix but, it had to work anyway!

Back to work tomorrow… another day in paradise. Maybe not my definition of paradise but… It’s been so crazy lately and I don’t expect less from this week. But, 12 hours, one patient at a time.

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