I know, I know… I’m like 3 days late but better late than never, right? The Swexan Podcast comes out every Thursday and it’s now Sunday so it’s been out for a couple of days.
This episode is about water… there has been flooding in Sweden and we even got a lot of water here in Texas. How are the countries and cities prepared for this amount of water? Similarities and differences…
And one thing I didn’t know when I moved here… yes you can drink the tap water but it tastes so nasty so no one wants to. Everyone, including me buys bottled water. Sweden is one of the cleanest countries in the world and that includes the water, if you see a streak you can drink from it… here… nope, not doing it!
Then of course, a covid update, a little bit about the royal baptism and the concert over the weekend. Hope you listen and enjoy it!
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