So I Did A Thing…

A day off and on top of that payday with a decent paycheck. There was a lot to do. The day started at the chiropractor’s office. These last three days has kicked my back. Many patient has been overweight and not willing to move so it’s taken a toll on my lower back. It was so nice to be adjusted. Hopefully I can make it another two weeks now!

I then headed over to Terrell to get my nails done. Also something I have to do for a medical reason to protect my natural nails. They are so thin and fragile after I became a cardiac patient. So every other week I get them done. I wasn’t able to go last week when I was supposed to so they were waaaaayyyy too long and it was painful. So now I went with a purple glitter color…

But yes, it is always nice to have good looking nails. Especially when your own nails looks like crap. But I always have to have them quite short so they don’t go through the gloves at work.

I then headed next door to the nail salon. There is a hair salon, Great Clips. My hair was too long now. I was tired of it. It was not looking good anymore and it was always in the way. I had to braid it all the time because it was too wild. I had enough. 12 inches (30cm). Yepp, that’s how much I cut off. It was light the weight was off my head! It felt amazing. When I was done there I walked over to CVS and got me a haircolor, went home and finished my hair project.

This time the bathroom didn’t look like a bloody murder afterwards, I didn’t use the same brand as last time. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this post from when I colored my hair last time.

I am so happy that I did this. I needed it. Posted these pictures online and thought it was hilarious that most people noticed the hair color even though I’ve been redhead for almost a year. It wasn’t until I pointed out that it was 12 inches shorter that people saw it! That’s what happens when you always have to have your hair “tucked away”. But now I’m able to have just a regular ponytail and also just have it out! I am so happy I did this! It was not one second too late, that’s for sure!

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