Fun Night In Canton

It was around 5:30pm last night and Facebook gave me a reminder about the Downtown Summer Street Dance in Canton that was about to start in an hour. I was first thinking to just stay home but then I said to myself “I am always complaining of not having anything to do and being alone, what if I get my ass out and do something?” So I got dressed and brought the dogs with me. In that way they could have something fun happening as well. If it wasn’t anything special, well then I could always go home.

The dogs were a little confused in the beginning, we rarely leave the house so late. BamBam was shy as always while Twix had the time of his life. We found a spot on the curb to sit where BamBam could lay behind me and be more protected from people (his choice).

More and more people came. Lawnchairs, coolers, good mood. It was a great time! Kids ran around and the boys didn’t bother about it. Twix thought it was a lot of fun when they came and talked to him.

I had no clue about what was going to happen music wise on the stage but I was about to find out… and it was AWESOME! Texas Diamond Trio. Never heard about them. And today they were added with Sean Fuller on saxophone. If you know me, you know that saxophone is my favourite instrument. I simply love it! How could I possibly miss this name!?! He was so awesome. The other guys on stage Ty Joiner and Travis Bolt had awesome voices as well! I was in heaven! My dogs had a great time, I was listening to fantastic music. Think what I would have missed if I would have been boring and stayed at home! So glad I didn’t!

While the music was going on the world showed off a beautiful rainbow. And where the rainbow ends is a treasure, right?

After a while my friends Herman and Melonee showed up. They had seen on Facebook that I headed there and had nothing better to do than join! So good to see them, and outside a CERT setting for once!

And the organizers; Canton Texas Main Street Program had really set up an awesome event. There was a few vendors, since I had the dogs with me I didn’t go and look what that was but one sold ice cream. And since I was sitting there with the dogs, they were so kind and came out with a bowl of water to the dogs! That really warmed my heart! So sweet!

I had two very tired dogs when I came home last night. I offered them to go out in the backyard and both of them turned around and said NO. We all went to bed and for once neither of us woke up until 7:30 am this morning.

Here are all pictures I took last night…

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