I woke up by the sound from my neighbors mower. I had planned to do my yard too today so it was a good way of getting my ass out of bed and get it done before the anticipated showers arrive. So I dragged myself out of bed, got dressed and joined my neighbor. I almost felt bad for her, pushing around an older model of mower, it certainly didn’t look like a “smooth ride”. She got her workout in pushing that around. But she was almost done.

I started on my front yard and I have a fairly easy yard to mow. The heat had not blasted yet which was nice. It was only around 9 am. It didn’t take long until a third neighbor came out joining us in our push mower party. There we were, all females, pushing around our mowers before the rain. Getting our workout in. And it hit me that all four of us in this intersection are independent, single female that does what needs to be done like any other man. We have some awesome female power in the hood!

I only know two of my neighbors by name, neither of those was the ladies out now. But it doesn’t matter. We all look after each other. We tell each other if we’ve seen something suspicious or strange. We say good morning and hello when we meet. As much as I hate living in a city, it also is a type of security in it too. Of course, we have a strong female power in the hood! But my dream is to live in the county and be able to have my horses on the property.

Even though I never spoke to the ladies today, I could feel our satisfaction a couple of hours later when the thunderstorm rumbled in. At least our yard was mowed and we didn’t have that to think about for a couple of days. I curled up on the couch with the dogs watching TV and eating popcorn all afternoon and just having an awesome, relaxing day! What more can you ask for on a rainy Saturday afternoon. It is just plain perfect!

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