Seventh Episode

Yes, it is quite some work to put the podcast together every week but it is fun and I learn a lot. I honestly don’t have a lot of knowledge in how to edit a video. I’m far from a journalist. But, I do what I can and maybe someone finds it interesting and entertaining. At least I hope so… Time is running so fast, this was already the seventh episode! I know it’s not a lot but it feels like the first episode came out yesterday.

This week’s adventure is out both on YouTube and the podd. So you can see my beautiful face (haha) and you can hear my weird accent! And no, my skills in the kitchen ain’t much to brag with! But the pancake turned out good!

It also brings in the differences between Sweden and US when you have your car inspected, how in the world did someone come up with the idea to make a meatball scented candle? That is the new thing Ikea has… Well you better listen or watch and find out more…

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