Keeping Dreams Alive

One of my dreams when I was young and an active dressage rider was the Olympic Games. But life took a turn and I had no choice than putting competing on the shelf. Today I have three horses but they are in a pasture an hour away from me. I am just so blessed to have friends that lets me have them in their pasture so I can keep them.
Even though I am not an active rider my dreams and goals of coming back are not gone. I still have some obstacles to overcome before I can see myself being on a horse on a regular basis. Mainly financial obstacles. But I still want to ride again. I am longing so bad for training with a goal, showing and being on a journey towards something. Being a team with the horse and just have fun! Needless to say, the Olympic Games always sparks that flame up again and gives me the little hope and encouragement I probably need to keep my dream alive. Even though I don’t see myself as an Olympic rider as of right now, the dream is still there. And as I watch the olympic games, the Australian dressage rider Mary Hanna reminded me that it is not too late! And that is what I feel is so amazing with equestrian. It’s not like any other sport that at a certain age your body is done. Mrs. Hanna is the oldest Olympic athlete with her 66 years. I am 41… That is 6 games until I reach her age… don’t tell me it’s impossible!

So who knows… Some day, it may be me on that arena… I know what it takes to get there, and I’m willing to try. Just needs the right things at the right time and I am praying for it! I miss the sport so much!

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