Pictures From Sunday

I had some plans of setting up my phone and try to record my performance on Sunday but I figured that either the City of Terrell, Chamber of Commerce or someone else would do it so I didn’t put the effort into it. But then yesterday I found what the chamber had posted and I regretted my decision. First of all they had sound problems and after about 1 minute of their video it went quiet. So nothing of my performance on the audio. And on top of that, they didn’t even turn the camera towards me so you couldn’t tell that it was me singing. I don’t know what I’ve done the Chamber but I don’t think they like me at all anymore… nothing I can do anything about but it is a weird feeling.

But just before my performance I met my very good friend and photographer Kevin Prouty and his wife Lori. Kevin is the one that took the picture up in the right corner that has been my official picture for a couple of years now. He is also the one who took the pictures of me and mom that I cherish so much. And much expected he had a camera in his hand. So I asked him that if he was there at the time, couldn’t he take some pictures of me. I don’t think there are any pictures of me performing for the last couple of years. There are some videos but that ain’t many either. Sure he said and yesterday he sent me these pictures!!!

Kevin, you have no idea how much these meant to me! Thank you so much for these pictures! It is so much fun because I can tell exactly when in the song the pictures are taken and what I was thinking of just in that moment… but I think I’ll keep that to myself!

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