Support & Encouragement

Always when you start a new project or a job you hesitate and maybe doubt yourself. At least I do… This podcast has actually been pounding in my mind on and off for several years but it isn’t until now that I make it reality. I don’t really know what to expect myself. I just hope it will turn out to something fun, something people enjoy listen to now and then, laugh at me and with me and maybe get more understanding for how it is to be an alien, different cultures and traditions and weird stuff we do. As of right now, I haven’t even recorded the first episode. I am going to do so either on Tuesdays or Wednesdays depending on my schedule, happenings and guests.

So when I set up the social media channels, Facebook, Instagram and website I said to myself “it would be cool if I could get 100 likes on Facebook before the first episode. With that said I didn’t expect that to happen since why would you like something you don’t even know what it is? The only thing out there to listen to is two promo’s and some pictures… So I totally understand all the reasons for not support a page or an account. But on the other hand, to like it and support it also gives encouragement and the opportunity to follow the journey from the beginning, so maybe it’s worth it after all?

Suddenly my phone gave me a notification today:

Wow! That little vision I had when I set up the page actually came thru. It’s amazing. I’ve also the last couple of days received some encouraging words that made me so happy! You have no idea how much this means to me. And I hope that I can meet your expectations as well! I will do my very best at least.

As I’ve been working on the first episodes it hit me how dumb I was to not do this already last year or a couple of years ago. Covid and Sweden’s approach to the pandemic would have been so interesting to discuss as well how we handled it in EMS. But, it was the time when mom passed away and I was in the middle of grief so the time was certainly not right. I am a firm believer of that when something is right everything goes smooth, and so far that’s what this project has done!

If you haven’t checked out the Facebook, Instagram or Website, go and do it! Join the journey at the very beginning!

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