For those of you who stumble upon this blog and don’t know me… I think a lot. I have a lot of time to think. In the car, in the ambulance, walking with or without the dogs etc. And a project that has been on my mind for quite a while is a podcast. I’ve been tumbling with the idea in my head; what should it be about? Who would listen? Why would anyone even bother to listen? But then I decided to just give a f*ck about people’s opinion. I wanted to start a podcast together with mom several years ago and she was actually in on it but we just never did it.

I don’t really know what it was yesterday that made me take the action of starting the project. But I was sitting in the ambulance and all the pieces I had in my head came together of how I should execute this project. And here I am. Less than 24 hours later with a plan, a logo, a website, social media channels and even more ideas.

The podcast will come out every Thursday and be about 30 minutes long. I have named it A Swexan’s World because it will be about basically anything and everything. Except politic. I do not do politic. And that’s the same in my private life. You will not get me to talk about it in public.

I am super excited about the project. God knows where this will lead. I know that I will spark up conversations and opinions where people think I’m weird, but that’s okay. I hope that I will have guests on the show, both people I know and new acquaintances. And I also hope that people will come with suggestions of topics or guests. If you read this and think that you have something that can be interesting to talk about, then let me know. It doesn’t have to be related to Sweden at all!

The first episode will air July 1st. I just picked that day because it is the first of a month, and it happened to be on a Thursday, therefore the episodes will air on Thursdays. Hopefully y’all will like it, I will try to make it fun and entertaining. And check out the new website as well as both the Facebook page and Instagram account. It is easy to find, just search for swexanpodcast or click on the links.

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