Emotional Project

I knew that I had to start somewhere, someday. And today was the day. Project: Garage. Our garage is smack full of stuff. Most of it can be thrown away but I have to go through everything, box by box to make sure I don’t throw away something valuable. This brings up so many memories. I am sometimes sitting on the floor crying and have to pull myself together to continue. Hardest is it to find pictures. Today I found three pictures that made me fight the tears. The first two pictures are on my former show horses Tellus and Lee Roy.

These boys… so many memories. I miss showing horses, training, hauling to trainings and shows. I really hope that I will be able to do it again sometimes before it is too late.

The third picture was taken for a newspaper (Vetlanda Posten) and we bought this picture and used as a Christmas Card one year. I am holding one of my schooling horses Elvis and mom is holding our mascots Lilla My and Mimmi.

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