Back in September of last year I fell while out walking with Twix and BamBam. (Read all about it here) It turned out to be a quite nasty injury and a couple of days later my foot was all colors it shouldn’t be…
Ever since this injury I’ve had problems with my foot on and off. Last time I went to the doctor (7 months after the injury) I mentioned it and it was x-rayed. Of course without findings since so long time had passed. But at this point I have learned to live with the pain in the heel and it is getting better… very slowly.
Or maybe I should say was getting better because now I don’t know. My foot is a magnet for all uneven surfaces and today I think it found the only little place on the walk with the dogs. But this time I didn’t hurt the outside of the foot but the inside!
Thankfully it wasn’t as painful as last time. I could “walk off” most of the pain and as soon as I got home I elevated the foot with an ice pack for two hours and then I wrapped it. So hopefully this won’t be as bad. I hope that I will be able to avoid going to the doctor. As long as I can get the foot down in the boot I’ll be perfectly fine!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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