Found Some Music Scores

I was looking through some stuff yesterday and found some old scores from the Swedish musical Kristina From Duvemåla. The musical is written by the men in Abba, Björn Ulveaus and Benny Anderson together with Tim Rice and is about the emigration from Sweden to US in 1860. There are some very beautiful pieces in that musical and one of the first songs I opened up was Ut Mot Ett Hav (Towards The Sea). It is about how a stream of water becomes a river and comes out to the sea symbolizing the opportunities that arise in your life. I decided to see how much I remembered, first of all, I am not a piano player and I only play to rehearse. Secondly I only did one take, not because I was pleased but it was just for fun. I recorded it so I had something to compare with later but it turned out pretty good so I decided to put it out there… just because…

Considering the circumstances I thought it sounded pretty decent after all. In the musical it’s actually a male song.

There is actually an english translation to the musical and I am thinking about trying to learn the lyrics. It may be hard because I know them in Swedish and listening to the English version almost makes me cringe. It is not bad, not at all but it is very awkward for me. This is a musical that I grew up with and have performed so many times so learning it in another language will be a challenge… but probably a fun challenge…

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