When it comes to workout, this year has gone straight down the drain. I try to work out and come home and is so close to passing out so it’s become a very risky situation. So I have backed off and the last couple of weeks done shorter walks and brought the dogs with me. BamBam is not walking so fast so that makes me slow down the tempo to adjust for him. But since that has gone pretty well and I saw a virtual 5K race for EMS support (finally!!!) I felt like I had to do this one!
it was more important to get around than thinking about making a good time or beat any records. And I got a walk in that felt pretty good. I was pleased and especially since I wasn’t too exhausted when I got back home. Maybe I’ll be able to do some more walks and races soon. We will have a week with rain so we’ll see if I can find any gaps in the rain where I can take a walk, with or without the boys.
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