All skiing is done for this trip and I can say I survived… Well, it was a little close call Friday afternoon in the slope when my heart decided to act up again… I felt great and before I knew it, it all went black. The next thing I know is a very loud man in a red jacket and goggles screaming at me. Ski Patrol. I had no energy. I don’t know how long I was laying there. And I don’t remember much either until I was loaded into the ambulance. So in some way they got me down the mountain and in to a triage room and shipped off to the hospital…

Well, it turned out that I wasn’t the only one from our group in the hospital. But we both got discharged and could actually go in the same car back to the group.

We both are okay now. I’ve been a little dizzy and weird but thanks to the rest of the group been able to participate in the excursions that was planned today! I have had someone next to me all the time in case I get dizzy again.

We went to see Garden Of The Gods today. A beautiful park with the most amazing stones!

I was almost mad that I didn’t have a big camera with me with a good lense but my new phone worked pretty well for some pictures!

We continued our trip to Helen Hunt Waterfalls and that was something entirely different! We knew it was a hike uphill that was tough but what we didn’t think of was the ice… and the time. Yeah… it was worth climbing up seeing the view but the ice made it a major challenge to get down. But we all managed to come down without injuries!

We finished the night at The Keg Lounge for Superbowl and delicious dinner. It was such a great time! I wish I knew that they collected patches and I would have asked work for one to give them…

We ended the day with a visit to a naturally carbonated spring… this was weird. The water was lukewarm and tasted like a bottle of flat carbonated water, but it wasn’t bad. It was more interesting than anything.

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