Taking Control Of My Life

Walking has always been my preferred choice of workout. I think it is the years of equestrian that gave me strong legs and therefore I’m just good at it. It comes naturally for me to walk fast. But it’s also a little risky for me to power walk. When I am done with the workout I have to sit for at least 30 minutes and let my body get stable again so my blood pressure doesn’t drop and I pass out. I am aware of it and learned to handle it.
Since my accident in December I have not been able to do any kind of real power walk. I have walked the dogs and got some exercise but not my 5 miles walks. So now, when I am finally cleared from all injuries that can stop me I am taking control of my life again.

I love to do my walks in the morning if possible. It makes my body wake up, I get less hungry during the day and it gives me a feeling of accomplishment. If I want to sit in front of the TV and watch movies all day, then that’s okay. Well, I’m not the kind of person who can do that but anyway.
So this morning, after two long month I went out on my first power walk of 2021.

When I left I had in mind to at least do 4 miles but I aimed for my 5 mile route. I thought it would be much harder than it actually was. Yes, I could feel it in my legs now and then but I was able to keep a pretty steady pace and that’s the most important for me. I read a while back that to be counted as a powerwalk you have to have a pace below 15 min/mile. I don’t know how accurate or true that is but I took that as a guideline for myself. It also of course has to do with heart rate etc. I have an average heart rate of 140 bpm while I walk.

It is yet only 10:45 am and I will most likely take the dogs for a walk this afternoon so I will absolutely exceed my normal walking distance today. But first some food and rest so I don’t overdo it.

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