
Music is fun! But as with a lot of other things there is a lot of administration that goes with if you want to release music. Internet has certainly made things both better and worse. It’s easier to find music, get inspired, spread the music etc. But it is also a lot of things like who actually owns the song, the right people needs their money and/or recognition. So of course you have to have your cover song licensed in the correct, legal way. I started to look into this the other day and sent in all the files and paperwork for the license.

Tadaaaa! The first step is now taken with Single City! All the final paperwork should be with me on Wednesday or Thursday next week (MLK Day is pushing it a little bit forward) but as soon as I have that the final part of the process to get Single City on iTunes and Spotify will start! That is pretty cool!

And once this process is done I will start doing the same with Ashes so when that is released in February, al paperwork is already complete and it can be there right away! This is absolutely a learning process!

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