Music Project #3

First of all, thank you so much for listening to Single City! At the time of writing this, the song has been streamed 790 times on SoundCloud! That is freaking amazing! And a special thanks to all who has shared it! I can not express enough how much that means to me!
Single City now also have it’s own page with the entire story in the top bar here on the page in case you haven’t seen that…

We have set a date for the next cover song; Ashes. It will be released on Valentines Day, February 14th. I am super excited about it. If you haven’t heard it yet, here is a little promo clip from the song!

So One more month to go until Ashes is out!

But don’t think that we are taking a break just because we are done with that song. Oh no! Me and Paul is already actively working on song #3. Since I am working different hours than normally and I can’t get to his studio just now we have to improvise a little and do things virtually and online. What did we do before FaceTime?

Well this song… I’m not going to reveal which one, is a song sung by a male. Also a very well known artist. It has a lot of instruments in it which is a huge task for Paul. But I can already now tell that it will be freaking amazing! I’m so glad I chose this project. We have already set a tentative day for the release of this song… and if you know me you won’t be surprised when I say March 21st. That is a very special day for me. It was my grandmother’s birthday and that was also the day I got my pacemaker. I call it my Heart Day. It is also the day I celebrate instead of my birthday. So put that on your calendar!

We are already now also talking about April’s song. Yepp, that’s how far ahead we are! That will be a song I have actually done before but now will do in a different arrangement. But as I said, we are just in the very very very beginning and talking about it now and it is far away until we get there.

I have been asked if Single City is available on iTunes and/or Spotify etc. I am working on that but it’s a little tricky to get a cover out there with all the copyrights and rules there are so it may take some time. But what I’ve done is that if you are interesting in purchasing the song you can CashApp me (@swedeintexas) $3.00 and I will send you a link to a Dropbox file that you can download and in that way get the to listen as much as you want! That would also be an amazing way of supporting my future projects! Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information!

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