Shannon Is Home

It’s passed a couple of days now after we lost Shannon. Guess both me, BamBam and Twix are getting used to it. It’s not until someone is gone you realize how important they were. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog, cat, horse nor human. It’s always like it’s too late to say I love you. And we don’t say that enough to each other.

Mom was never one of those who wanted the remains back from her dogs. She thought it was creepy. Mom and Grandma had a wish to be spread together at the Swedish/Danish boarder one day. I still have grandma’s ashes here and I intend to let that happen one day. But I know that mom and Shannon was inseparable so I want to spread her together with mom. I know it may be ha hassle to make it happen but I am willing to go through that work and process to get it done. I’m of that mindset that nothing is impossible!
Have in mind, we did mom’s entire immigration process legally without any help by a lawyer. It took time but we made it, so why wouldn’t this be possible?

But until that day comes, Shannon will be standing on top of the cabinets next to mom.

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