Snow In Texas!

It isn’t often it happens but now and then we actually get snow here in Texas. They said on the news a couple of days prior that there was a possibility that we could get some light accumulation. When I watched the news on Saturday, Van Zandt County where I live was not even getting anything on some forecasts. But more south of us would get a little bit more. Last time we had snow here was 2016 I believe… so it’s not very often.

I like snow. But I prefer it to be here over my birthday and Christmas. The most perfect to me is if it stays for about a week, then I’ve had enough of it. But I’m happy with anything. I don’t miss snow until I see it. Does that make sense? On my way to work this morning I really felt cozy and loved it but I haven’t had any urge to see it before it really was here.

Around noon yesterday it started to fall. The ground was so warm so it melted as soon as it hit the surface and it was obvious that it wouldn’t stay long. But after about three hours the ground was actually white in some places. I was spending the entire afternoon with the dogs on the couch watching a Swedish TV series and peaked out the window now and then, so glad that I didn’t have to go out. Texans does not know how to drive in rain, needless to say when it is snowing… it is not good at all… I heard from my coworkers that it was a madhouse everywhere. I would have been working this weekend if I wasn’t on light duty.

Twix has never seen snow. The first time I let them out it was just coming from the air, he thought it was just weird rain. BamBam, who is the “King” doesn’t like rain and snow is certainly not for him! When I let them out a couple of hours later and there was some white stuff on the ground, BamBam refused to go out. He ran into my bedroom! I have never seen him do that before and I was laughing so hard!

BamBam did not want to deal with the white stuff!

Twix on the other hand was a little more curious over this stuff. He went out and realized that you could actually somewhat eat that white cold thing and it tasted like… water… Well it wasn’t that much snow in my backyard so maybe he will have a blast if he ever experience more snow than what came yesterday.

I will for certain see more snow in a couple of weeks when we head to Colorado. It will be a blast! I am so excited. Haven’t been skiing since 1997 I believe… 24 years… that is almost scary!!! No, that is freaking scary! But they say it’s like riding a bike, you will know it again after a little bit… there will most likely be a lot of fun video of me falling!

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