RIP Shannon

To have a pet is a blessing and han honor. Unconditional love on all levels. But sometimes there is a part when we have to make a decision and say goodbye. That is the worst thing with having a pet. We just have to cherish and remember all the good and wonderful times we had.

Shannon was mom’s soulmate. We got her shortly after we moved here. She was one of the most gentle and smartest dogs I’ve ever met. She loved people and she loved other dogs. Mom loved to feed her which was very visible! Mom always said that they were gonna get old together and they sure did. Shannon never left mom’s side when she was sick. The nurses and aids just had to accept her and even thou Shannon never did anything, her size often intimidated them.
The last couple of years you could tell that Shannons body was getting old. And the last 6 months was a roller coaster. I knew this very day was going to come sooner than later.

I came home yesterday and Shannon couldn’t get up by herself at all. I had to lift her entire behind to get her up. She had pooped next to her because she couldn’t get up. I knew where time was ticking. But it was too late, the vets office was closed. I was released from work earlier today since I did a 12 hour shift yesterday. On my way home I had to make a decision. If I came home to the same as yesterday, I had no choice than make her last trip. I honestly had procrastinated this for a while but there was no return now. And it was even worse than the previous day. So I called the vet and told them I was coming.

A Great Dane lives about 7-9 years. What a blessing it was to have Shannon for 12! She is now reunited with mom in heaven, the day before mom’s 72 birthday! I can only imagine what birthday party they are having tomorrow!

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