What Did I Do?

I don’t really know why or how I came up with the idea to start a TikTok account for Twix and BamBam. But yesterday around 3pm I started to create an account for them and upload a couple of videos. Didn’t think much about it really and the videos wasn’t really super funny or exciting in any way. Just a couple of cute dogs simply. I left it at that and a couple of hours later I went back to look at other videos because I was bored and I realized that Twix and BamBam had gotten 200 followers in that short amount of time!

I was in chock! They have more followers after 5 hours than I have on my account after a year. Well, I’m not that active on my account either so… but still! Just because you have four legs and can bark! And while I was sitting watching other videos the notifications kept coming in. I couldn’t even keep up with it. Another hour later we were up in 378 followers and over 1200 likes!

I was not prepared for this! I wasn’t even able to follow people back or even look at their accounts. It was in sane! I left the phone for a bit and got ready to hit the pillow. But of course, I couldn’t resist to take a last look before I turned it all off for the night. Lo and behold…

In 7 hours these two adorable and cute monsters had almost 500 followers and over 1500 likes on TikTok. That is insane. I started to wonder what the heck I had done! Is this now something I have to keep up with. Making at least one video a day or something? Well it is kind of fun so whatever. But it is a little bit scary too, realizing how fast something can spread.

I woke up this morning and was a good girl and waited until I got to work to open TikTok again. I was scared that I would get hooked and then be late to work. That wouldn’t really be a good thing. Jeez Louise…

It is at this point not even 36 hours and they have 745 followers and 2200 likes! That was not what I had expected when I started this yesterday. I just wanted to burn some time and have some fun with the dogs. And it got quite fun, that’s for sure! Thanks to all who follow, like and comment the videos. More is for sure to come.

It is now 1pm when I write this and we are up to 857 followers and 2524 likes. THe most viewed video has 1155 views. That is just crazy! This will for sure be an adventure for 2021… Twix and BamBam on TikTok. If you want to follow them scan this or search for TwixandBamBam.

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