Worth A Shot

I am not the kind of person who like to ask for money. But I have so many ideas for a video for the song Ashes that I simply can’t get out of my head. I have been trying to figure out of a way to create something myself but it is not possible, I will need help.
So I decided that I am going to try to do a fundraising so I can make a video. My goal is to raise $800, that would cover everything that a low budget video production costs. A full video production is anything above $1500… that would be a dream but… yeah not reality.

Click on the picture to come to the fundraiser

Anyway, I created a fundraiser on *Spotfunding and I can only hope that you can help me out on this project, or maybe just share it with the world. I understand that it is really hard to help out when you haven’t even seen the first video but trust me, it will be awesome!

So as a little teaser, here is a promo clip of Ashes, the song I would love to do a video to.

Whether you just share the fundraiser or even support it, I truly appreciate your support! I will continue to pray for this to be possible.

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