Package From Sweden

I got an early Christmas when I got home yesterday! There was a huge package on my doorstep. It had traveled all the way from Sweden! My friend Anna wanted to cheer me up a little and, sure she did!!! Not a little, A LOT!

This is my friends a lot of candy and all of it is my favorite. I see diabetes in the near future!
Well the bag on the very top is actually for the dogs… and they thought this was the highlight of the year!!! Twix and BamBam had their first pig ear of their lives… I usually don’t give them things like this but it is Christmas!

And there was also this candle holder in the package. So beautiful! I am going to get a scented candle and it will be so awesome! I just took the first candle I could find and put in there now…

Thank you Anna for this wonderful gift! You truly made my Christmas! And for those of you who think that I will share… nope, I am the grinch when it comes to this…

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