Excitement At Work

So I’m sitting at my desk, answering a phone call and just about to hang up when suddenly the fire alarm goes off. For a second I was worried that there was a button somewhere that I had pushed that I wasn’t aware of because the sound and the light was a little awkward positioned. I was all alone in the room so I figured I’ll better make my way out. In the same time my supervisor came and we went out. There was certainly no stress among anyone. We all thought it was a drill. But it wasn’t. An ambulance showed up (like we didn’t have enough of those haha).
After a little bit we were told that it wasn’t a drill and they could not find where it was started. No sign of smoke or fire. Thankfully the weather was amazing, sunshine and 70F so it certainly didn’t mind me to be outside for a little. Finally they found what it was. There is a handle in one of our back areas that apparently is a little easy to pull and someone had by accident pulled it, not even noticing it. Well, mystery solved and we could go back to work!

And yes, you are correct, I was not in uniform today. It is “Ugly Sweater Week” at the office and even thou I don’t have an ugly sweater I took the opportunity to wear something a little more festive than normal, dressed like a Christmas tree. Almost surprised that they let me in…

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