I was hoping that the video to Single City would be out sometimes between December 13th and 15th. Well, it is right now the 17th and as you may realize it is not out yet.

My incident to the hospital last week is one factor, we had to postpone the last day of filming but it was completed on Saturday. But after that it’s all up to the production company. I have been promised to have a draft several times but as of right now (6pm) I yet have not seen one sequence of it. And I don’t think I will be happy with the first cut either, there is usually things that needs to be fixed and changed.

To drop a song right before Christmas is not really ideal, unless it is a Christmas song or you are a world renowned artist (Taylor Swift dropped an album just this week). And this is not a Christmas song and I am certainly not anything close to a well established artist. So right now I am thinking of just waiting to after the holidays to publish it. People are too busy with preparations for next year so it’s not worth the attempt.

I am really sad and frustrated about it but it is out of my hands. Deadline has already passed and it feels like it’s better to start 2021 with something exciting instead of ending this weird 2020 with it.

I am most likely going into the studio this coming weekend to record the next song. After this mess I will probably not do a video production like this. I have some ideas but absolutely not sure if I can pull it through on my own. This song won’t be out until several weeks into 2021 anyway.

So that’s where we are right now. In the meantime I have done a couple of both Smule recordings and TikTok videos so you can head there and look at that. I appreciate everyone who has shared the videos, it means so much to me!!! Thank you all!!!

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