Swedish Christmas Song

It is a while since I did a Smule recording but I had some time left over yesterday and was inspired to sing a traditional Swedish Christmas Song; “Jul, jul, strålande jul” (Christmas, Christmas, Bright Christmas). It is a song I have sung since I was maybe 7 years old so it’s one of those I will never forget. And I really love to sing as well. And now I’ve found out how to download the Smule recordings as well which made me very happy! So I hope you like my rendition of this song!

Today is Lucia in Sweden. The day we celebrate light. It’s the celebration when St. Lucia (St. Lucy) from Syracuse (Italy) brings light to the darkness with a procession. With light in her hair she brings music, love and food. We do this processions in nursing homes, businesses, churches on December 13. It is certainly one of those traditions I really miss from Sweden. I always woke up early to get ready and warm up my voice. I could have up to 10 different performances on this day. But to see the eyes of the audience made it all worth. It is like the official kick off of the season in Sweden. If you want to read more about Lucia this is a very informative Wikipedia Link:

I found a live link to YouTube where Gothenburg Youth Choir performed their 2020 Lucia Celebration. It will give you an idea of what we do on this specific day.

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