The last two days in EMS has been quite busy and interesting. Yesterday seemed to be the day of fires. The fire fighters was all over the place. They barely made it back to the station when the next call dropped. And after came EMS. We were enroute to our first fire standby when we were diverted to another call. But we made it out on the second fire of the day. There I saw this cool fire truck I just couldn’t resist taking a picture of.
Why all these fires? Well it was cold and rainy and space heaters can be very dangerous. Even for me in the ambulance the cold was noticed. But I had prepared myself and brought an electrical blanket that I could wrap myself in between calls. Guess if I was happy. It was very cozy!
When we got to work this morning it was just to throw ourselves straight into the mess. There was a stat transfer holding. When you get a call right of the batt you know that you will have a busy day and that was entirely correct! We went to Tyler 4 times and all the way to Jacksonville once throughout the shift today!
Here I would like to put in a PSA… If you see an ambulance with lights and/or sirens driving down the road… night or day… do NOT, and I repeat; DO NOT pass that ambulance on the right hand side! The likeliness is that the ambulance is going (at least) 10mph over allowed speedlimit. The person in this disco flashing noisy making rolling box also have a direct line to the friends in blue or tan and they are not afraid of calling them. That is what happened during our first trip to Tyler. I was driving 90-85mph on a 70mph road with lights and sirens in the left lane when a car passed me on my right side… At first I just laughed at it and shook my head. We came into a town where he was held up by a redlight and I passed him. But it didn’t take long until he passed me again… on my right side… and he was driving even faster this time. Came into the second town where I caught up with him again and saw him pull into a gas station. Oh well, perfect don’t have to deal with him… or so I thought… When he passed me the third time, even faster, I had enough. He was now a danger for both others and himself. I asked my dispatcher to let the sheriffs office know about him and gave updating information along the route. We came into a 55mph stretch in Tyler and I was going around 65-70mph. Of course it wasn’t hard for him to figure out who to pull over because my distance to the man became further and further. I kid you not when I say that the deputy passed me in probably 90 mph! It said zoom and I bet he had the car on the radar with in a split second. Someone was gonna have a bad start of the day. Sorry, not sorry!
Well. Me and my partner was busy all shift and it all ended with a transfer from Tyler to Jacksonville. After some grumpy words from both of us, we made it to the hospital to pick up the patient. While down at the ER, trying to figure out where we were going and get a keybadge etc I bumped in to a bunch of people I know. It was like everyone came to the ER at the same time. Now, working Athens, I realize that I don’t see folks as often as I used to so it’s always fun. We picked up the patient and when I got my badge back, this is what I saw
I laughed out loud! I knew exactly who left this little note to me! Love you Braxtan! Not sure anyone else knew why I was laughing so much but I really thought it was hilarious! It made it easy to work 1.5 hour overtime that I knew this call would give me.
I have a busy weekend ahead of me. CERT event tomorrow night, I may have a Christmas Parade with work on Saturday, have to plan what to wear at the video shoot on Sunday… so it will be fun!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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