Thanksgiving is a tradition we don’t celebrate in Sweden. Not that we don’t have anything to be thankful for but our next celebration is Lucia, the celebration of light, on December 13th. Mom and I have celebrated Thanksgiving since we got here. Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. But it is not the most important holiday for me. As everything has changed for me this year I didn’t have any plans for Thanksgiving. I am working today so I had to go to bed early anyway. And all this cooking panic around Thanksgiving just makes me tired. I am not cooking an entire bird just for me. Nope, I have never cooked a bird either. 2020 was no different. But I kept the traditions in somewhat fashion at least. First we eat breakfast in front of the TV.

No stress, just relax and take it easy. Then at 9 am we watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. Of course it was a little different this year but it was still good. I cried like a baby some times, when mom’s favorite floats and numbers came. The Rocketts for example. That was her absolute favorite. She was a dancer as a teenager and they were always a huge inspiration for her. She actually auditioned for them and was so close but she was too tall. I didn’t expect it to be that emotional to watch the parade but I was glad I was sitting alone and had the dogs to hug!

The parade is always followed by the National Dogshow. There we were, Twix, BamBam and I, all cuddled up in the couch…

…and as a friend on Facebook noticed, we are all matching… that was not even intended…
I loved watching the dogshow but the four legged couldn’t care less. Now both are neutered so they are not coming close to a show ring. And it doesn’t matter either since they are the champions in this household anyway.

When we came to the Dalmatians I started to laugh out loud. As you may know, Twix is a full blooded, registered Dal. But there is one thing that is so wrong on him. His tail. The American Kennel Club Breed Standard says:

The tail is a natural extension of the topline. It is not inserted too low down. It is strong at the insertion and tapers to the tip, which reaches to the hock. It is never docked. The tail is carried with a slight upward curve but should never curl over the back.Ring tails and low-set tails are faults.

Right… not very hard to understand that the tail should go straight backwards… so to make this very clear…

I quote AKC again: “…should never curl over the back.” But look… Twix has the most adorable, cute tail ever!!! And it’s not functional as a whip either! But this is why I laugh so much at it! For me he is pitch perfect with his cute curly pigtail!

After the dogshow and this lazy day so far we all went on a walk. It was quite nice to get out and move for a little bit. It was much warmer than I thought it was! Then home and eat some leftovers from the pizza I made the day prior. My first homemade pizza. I don’t know why I haven’t thought about the pre-made dough there is, and then make my own pizza just as I want it. With banana, peanuts, curry and kebab sauce…

I’m gonna make an entire blog post about my pizza’s one day. It is always a conversation starter and people certainly doesn’t agree with my taste… but that’s not today.

Then it was just time for bed again since it is normal workday today… I am working another truck but still had to be at work at 5am, so just an hour later.

I hope y’all had a good Thanksgiving! I’m certainly not complaining about mine! This is how we fell asleep last night, me and BamBam!

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