Merry Christmas To Me!

I have wanted one for so long. I had one a couple of years ago but it got destroyed at a show by rain. Have saved and finally today I took action. I got me a keyboard! A Yamaha EW300. Did some research and talked to some more knowledged people than me and they thought this one would be a good investment to what I am going to use it for.

I am not a good piano player. I play so I can practice my music, that’s it. But I want to learn. I am so mad at myself that I didn’t put energy into it when I was young, when my grandmother tried to get me to learn. At the point in life when it was easy to learn and coordinate your body. Not at the age of 40+ when your brain is slow as a snail. But I have no stress either for that matter.

I spent the afternoon yesterday playing with it. There is so much to learn about it. So many functions and features. I am not sure I’ll ever know them all. Found an old Swedish songbook and played some songs. Did a livestream on Facebook but the sound was quite wacko. Tried one on Instagram from my phone and that was better. Played the song Mio My Mio. Probably not a song any Americans know but for the Swedes it’s a more familiar song.

I hope that I can do more live streams in the future, just have to figure out that sound issue. But I think I have a solution already. That will also be something I will try to do on my Patreon page for my supporters there.

So I am very excited about my investment. Hope that I will have a lot of fun with it and it will most likely come to a lot of good use! Now I have the possibility to practice and learn my music much easier.

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