CERT Drill & Award

Every year EastTex CERT have a little bit bigger drill than the others. We invite other teams, law enforcement, fire department and EMS to join us. This year we had a total of 8 CERT teams from the DFW area represented! I don’t think we’ve ever had that many teams joining our drill but it was awesome. We had the drill in McLendon-Chisholm and their fire department joined us as well.

The scenario was a plane crash and an unknown amount of victims spread out over a larger area with quite rough terrain. We had incident command, medical stage, four search teams and one extrication team. I was going to observe and give input to the teams along the search. As with all exercises there was a couple of things that could be improved but overall it actually went pretty well.

There was obstacles that the teams was not expecting, like having to backboard a patient over a closed gate.
We also had assistance from a K9 and the fire department also had a drone up that they worked with. So it was all hands on deck!

When the training was over it was time for a little award ceremony for EastTex CERT. We usually have a banquet but due to the Rona that was not happening this year. But I was quite surprised to receive an Award Of Excellence this year!

And this is how happy you get when you get a very unexpected award!

It was a great morning! So nice to come out in the nature and also see a bunch of people I haven’t seen in a long time! Some of them I had not seen in years! Here are some, more pictures are in the Photo Album.

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