In The Studio

It is three years ago since I last went into the studio to do a recording. Time has just flown by. And then suddenly this opportunity came up. One thing with me is when things are right, it goes in 100 miles an hour. I got a call with an inquiry if I was interested in singing a song for a movie about to be written. I got the synapse of the movie but I don’t know how to write a song so I started to look for some music that might be interesting. That’s when this song came across my screen. No, not telling what song yet. Well not knowing how this project with the movie was going to turn out or the timeline on it either. But I felt a connection to this song and I really wanted to do it myself anyway. So I turned to my friend Paul Piper who is an exceptional drummer and he also has a studio in his house, asking if he was interested in helping me out in this project. Without hesitation he threw himself into this project and within 30 hours I had a first outline of music in my email. I was stoked! Not only did it sound so awesome but the fact that someone was as excited about this as I was! This entire conversation about recording started 12 days ago and we are already here… A little more tuning and today was the day to head to Paul and take that very step into the studio again!

If you wonder why I have the bun on the top of my head… no it is not the new fashion thing, I had to put my hair up there to hold the headphones! Sometimes it’s quite convenient to have long hair but this is how it actually looked like on my way to the studio while down…

Anyway, Paul had made an awesome track for the song. He had recorded all the instruments so it was just for me to start doing the vocal part of it.

Something I love with music and projects like this is to see the song come to life and grow. Make it my own. Figure out stacks or harmonies. Try different ways of singing and hear the difference. Sing song is also fun because it is not super well known. It is not a song that has been weeks after weeks on the charts and people have their opinion on how it should be.

We did a livestream on Paul’s Facebook page that I have shared on my page as well. That was so much fun! We didn’t know at all what we should or would say, we just went with the flow but it turned out okay!

Paul is so funny and he comes up with the most hilarious things to say and do so it is not hard to do a fun livestream with him. Much more awkward to see myself on screens all over the room.

After a couple of hours of work, collaboration, laughs and confusion we finally got it all done. It really was so much fun! I think Paul thought it was fun too but he was quite exhausted afterwards to say it the least!

It will take a couple of more weeks before the song will be released. It will now be mixed and mastered and when all that is done and approved the next step of the production will start which is the video. I don’t do videos normally but I have an idea in my head that I think I can make happen. And it would be so much fun to make another video for a song!

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