What Happened?

I was walking down the aisles in Walmart today, passing the hair product section. There was a box and I could feel how it aimed for me. It took a huge jump and landed in my cart. Oh well… this will be interesting…

Naah, seriously, the idea actually came from a Snapchat filter and I felt like I wanted to try this hair color. What can happen? My hair grows pretty fast so if I don’t like it I have two options. Either cut it off (not very likely that I would do that) or re-color it. But regardless, it can’t be so bad so I can’t just wait for it to go back to my neutral color.

A before picture. Me, all raw and natural. No makeup or filters, just me.

Well… how will this be? You can start figure out towards what direction this color will go…

Kaboom! Not too bad actually! At least I will be able to live with myself for a little bit. Sometimes it’s fun to just do something different, change it a little bit. And, don’t forget, I have my hair up in a braid most of the time so no one will probably notice that it’s not the same color anymore… Someday I will put some makeup on and look decent as well, just not going to be today!

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