Pizza Time

A couple of weeks ago all employees were asked to do a companywide survey. The survey took about 5 minutes to complete so it was not a big thing. But our HQ took the opportunity to do some fun with this and made teams and the team that did the most surveys won. These teams were divided in by county or department. Me working in Athens was of course in the Henderson County Team. And just because we are so awesome we were the team with the most completed surveys! And today we got our reward!

We had just dropped off a patient at the hospital when one of the supervisors showed up. I had just asked our student we had on the truck if she had any lunch with her because despite having breakfast I was getting hungry. Well, we didn’t have to think about that when he just said “peperoni or sausage?” Talk about great timing!

And it certainly wasn’t a small pizza either! It was awesome! And our student loved it as well, perfect day for her to be on a ride out to get a free pizza! And we were able to happily continue our shift for a couple of more hours, full and happy!

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